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The application of ” successor liability” theories is relatively new to international trade law and has exploded since the turn of the century.successor liability is an equitable state law doctrine that allows a company of criditors to seek damages from a different company that either acquired the assets of or merged with the debtor company.
In the have be attended several public confrences in the Washington beltway area in which various high-ranking government officials in the BIS, OFAC, DDTC, and CBT have announced “off the record” that asset purchasers will henceforth be held liable for any past violation of the export or import regulations by the asset seller. Giwen the ubiquity of corporate reorganizations and asset purchases, every company that imports or exports goods, services, software or technology is affected by these new practices. This project briefly discusses the historical development of and general policies underlying international traderegulation and summarizes the law of successer liability and explains how federal courts have applied it in enforcement actions brought pursuant to federal statutes. So describes attempts by the international trade law enforcement agencies to import successor laibility into their respective regulatory regimes. In the next part considers whether the addation of successor laibility concepts to international trade regulation can be justified under the statuts administered by the enforcement agencies. Then turns to the question of how agency practices reflect judicial notions of the appropriate role of syccessor liability in the enforcement of federal stetutes.finally considers whether successor liability is reasonably compatible with international trad regulation from the various standpoints of doctrine , public policy , and constitutional law. The results indicate that, first successor laibility is not clearly authorized by the relevant statutes, and in any case is a poor doctrinal fit with international trade law; cecond, successor laibility fails to advance any recognizable public policy when applied in international trade law and indeed operates to the detriment of some important public policy ; and, third, the integration of successor liability into international trad regulation violates the fifth amendment guarantee of due process of law. Successor liability is,in short, a cure for a non-existent disease, and like nearly all cures, it has undesiable side effects. Finally, the project generalizes the lessons derived from this study to advance our understanding of the larger problem of administrative agency power and discretion.
Kay words : international trade; successor laibility; federal law; asset purchasers.
Islamic Azad University
Damghan Branch
Faculty of law
A Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirments For
the Degree of M.sc in international trade law
The Doctorine of Seccessor Liability in International Trade Law
In case study of U.S.A
Dr.Ahmad Asgari
Dr. Ali Amiri Porghassab
Parviz eslami
September 2015
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- ایالات متحده Betfoods، ۵۲۴ U.S. 51، ۶۱ (۱۹۹۸)؛ بر اساس شرکت Potlatch 201 Cal . (Cal. Ct.. App. 1984) (نهادی که یک شرکت را می خرد، “هیچ اموالی از آن را به دست نمی آورد، و تنها چیزی که به دست می آورد سهام آن است…البته این امری بنیادی است که یک سهام دار هیچ بخش خاصی از اموال شرکت را صاحب نمی شود.”)؛ مجموعه یادداشت های SFA، Inc، Bannon، ۵۸۵ A. 2d 666، ۶۷۳ (Conn. 1991) (گیومه ی داخل آن حذف شده است.) (“این امری بنیادی در مورد قانون شرکت است که شرکت والد و توابع آن به عنوان اشخاص حقوقی جداگانه در نظر گرفته میشوند حتی اگر شرکت مادر صاحب تمامی سهام توبع خود باشد و هر دو تشکیل اقتصادی مدیران و کارمندان یکسان خود را داشته باشند ↑
- بسته به ساختار ادغام، نهاد استنتاج شده، ممکن است نهاد حاصل منتچ یا در حال استنتاج باشد. تصمیم ساختار معمولا بر اساس ملزومات مالیات و مسئولیت میباشد ↑